CAP History
Dec. 1, 2001, Civil Air Patrol will mark its 60th year of humanitarian
service. Already plans are drafted to celebrate this special milestone
in Civil Air Patrol's history. Reflecting on Civil Air Patrol’s beginnings
in 1941 is extremely relevant as we mark the beginnings of the new
millennium. The roots of this all-volunteer organization are grounded
deep into the nation’s history.
early as 1938, momentum began to build for the creation of an organization
to harness civilian aviation resources to aid the nation in the event
America entered the conflict. These efforts, led by writer-aviator
Gill Robb Wilson and supported by Gen. Henry "Hap" Arnold,
resulted in the creation of the Civil Air Patrol on Dec. 1, 1941 —
one week before Pearl Harbor.
“Flying Minutemen” performed many missions including coastal patrol
to search for enemy submarines, search and rescue missions throughout
the United States, cargo and courier flights to transfer critical
materials and personnel, and even towing targets so Army Air Corps
personnel could practice air-to-air gunnery techniques - a very risky
mission with new gunners.
Original CAP L-4
at the USAF Museum
all, these volunteers amassed a stunning record —flying more than
half-a-million hours, sinking two enemy submarines, and saving hundreds
of crash victims.
thankful nation recognized the vital role CAP played during the war
and understood the organization could continue to provide invaluable
help to both local and national agencies.
The dedication
and determined volunteer has evolved and continues as the nation embarks
on a new millennium. Over the past year, Civil Air Patrol has undergone
many changes to ensure it is prepared to meet the future needs of
the country.
Through cooperative
efforts and teamwork, Civil Air Patrol is indeed positioning for the
future. Civil Air Patrol volunteers have the ability to master every
challenge. They take pride in serving their communities, states and
nation. Men and women who selflessly give of their time and resources
are the indisputable foundation for the success of Civil Air Patrol,
the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force. They guarantee a productive
future and thus a rewarding legacy. What they do for CAP today will
be the history of CAP tomorrow.
In 2001 the
Civil Air Patrol celebrated its 60th year, the CAP Diamond Anniversary,
Civil Air Patrol is now moving in not only the right direction, but
is also building programs that are rewarding and enjoyable.
Civil Air Patrol Story" and the CAP
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